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Q.S.C.I provides Quality Control and Quality Assurance
services for every requirement:
Velosi - quality control, quality assurance, project certification, materials testing, NDE and vendor inspection services.
Asset Integrity Management Services
With higher standards set on quality assurance and control, organizations need more innovative ways to ensure plants operations, reliability and maintenance excellence. Revenue, safety, compliance, quality and operating cost are always the concern of practitioners in the industry. Q.S.C.I is providing Asset Integrity Management Services for extending your asset life-cycle, enhancing risk management and safely optimizing production by improving asset integrity management systems and strategies   
Project Quality Management Services
Throughout any project, it is vital to manage
and control quality at every stage - from purchasing and construction through to commissioning.

Our services will monitor and control every quality aspect of your project - from independent third party vendor inspection at the purchasing stage, through to on-site
quality monitoring during construction    

Maintenance Quality Management Services
Ongoing quality control is an integral part of
any maintenance programme, and our experience with innovative techniques allow you to review your maintenance programme and schedules based on the results and analysis of up-to-date technologies,
potentially reducing downtime and costs   
Statutory Inspection Services
Our independently accredited Statutory Certification services ensure your equipment can be sold or operated in accordance with local or international legislation   
Certification Services
Another key element of process improvement and successful control is the implementation of Quality Management systems to improve efficiency and productivity.

System Certification can help you improve customer confidence, and, as a consequence, increase market share. Whatever the scale of your project - whether you use a single service element or a total packaged solution - Q.S.C.I can help you achieve your objectives effectively